Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Father We Thank Thee Who Has Planted

How beautifully leaves grow old.  How full of light are their last days.  
~John Burroughs

    Father we thank Thee who has planted 
        Thy holy name within our hearts. 
    Knowledge and faith and life immortal 
        Jesus The Son to us imparts.

Thou, Lord, didst make all for Thy pleasure, 
    Didst give man food for all his days, 
Giving in Christ the bread eternal; 
    Thine is the power, be Thine the praise.

 Watch o'er Thy Church, O Lord, in mercy, 

    Save it from evil, guard it still,

Perfect it in Thy love, unite it, 

    Cleansed and conformed unto Thy will.

As grain, once scattered on the hillsides, 
    Was in the broken bread made one,
So from all lands Thy Church be gathered 
    Into Thy kingdom by Thy Son

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