Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Your a 90's kid if....

-You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!"

-You've worn skorts and felt stylish

-You use to love playing with your MY Little Pet Shop

-You know that "WHOA" comes from Joey from "Blossom" and that "How Rude!" comes from Stephanie from "Full House"

-You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

-You wore a ponytail on the side of your head and had fluffed bangs

-"I've fallen and I can't get up"

-You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.

-You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence...Not...

-You ever got injured on a Slip 'n' Slide

-You remember boom boxes vs. cd players

-You knew what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare"

-You watched the original Care Bears, My Little Pony, and Ninja Turtles

-You used to wear those stick on earings, not only on your ears, but at the corners of your eyes.

-You know the Macarena by heart

-" Talk to the hand" ... enough said


-The annoying Nano Pets & Furbies.

-Running through the sprinklers.


-bop it

-Hilary Duff  was your Hannah Montanah

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Flower Fadeth

For my birthday I received two vases of lovely flowers from my mother and a friend. Its been a few weeks now and many of the flowers have fallen off and died.
With the one's that lasted I used a old wine bottle and I can enjoy them for a while longer. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Go insane, Go insane, Throw some glitter make it rain!

Found this on Pintreset.
 And fell in love with the idea!

I want to do this for my wedding.

Here are the instructions To make a Glitter ball.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Got Pinterest?

I am in love with Pinterest! 
Super cute site with adorable ideas.


 "i will kill the spiders. i will share my fries with you when you’ve finished all yours and are still hungry. i won’t ever pop my collar. i will never be rude to your tummy- when i hear it growl and gurgle, i promise to bend down and reply respectfully. i will eat the mushrooms when we order the supreme pizza. i will kiss the papercuts. and the door-slammed finger. and the counter-bumped hip. i’ll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. i will be the big spoon. i will let you win at wrestling. sometimes. other times i will not. i will go faster. harder. i will pull when you want. and tease you when you don’t. i will send you random txts and leave you silly gifts. not always. not on schedule. just whenever i want to. whenever i think you need one. or seven. i will check your tire pressure. and remind you to take your car in. i will hold your hand. i will love you. i will love you. i will love you."

Check it out http://pinterest.com/

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside My Window
Snow Melting

I am Thinking
About the Future

I am Thankful For
My Family and Friends

I am Creating
A Clean Room

I am Reading

I am Praying
For wisdom

I am Hearing
 The humming of a heater

From the Kitchen
Humus and Pita Bread

Around the House
Peace and Quite

I am Learning
To Study and FaceBook Less

My Favorite Things
Gilmore Girls, Heat, and Rain

Plans for the Week
School, Work, and Life
On my Mind

Father We Thank Thee Who Has Planted

How beautifully leaves grow old.  How full of light are their last days.  
~John Burroughs

    Father we thank Thee who has planted 
        Thy holy name within our hearts. 
    Knowledge and faith and life immortal 
        Jesus The Son to us imparts.

Thou, Lord, didst make all for Thy pleasure, 
    Didst give man food for all his days, 
Giving in Christ the bread eternal; 
    Thine is the power, be Thine the praise.

 Watch o'er Thy Church, O Lord, in mercy, 

    Save it from evil, guard it still,

Perfect it in Thy love, unite it, 

    Cleansed and conformed unto Thy will.

As grain, once scattered on the hillsides, 
    Was in the broken bread made one,
So from all lands Thy Church be gathered 
    Into Thy kingdom by Thy Son